Ever close your eyes
Ever stop and listen
Ever feel alive
And you’ve nothing missing
You don’t need a reason
Let the day go on and on
Let the rain fall down
Everywhere around you
Give into it now
Let the day surround you
You don’t need a reason
Let the rain go on and on
What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to a wild child
Only take the time
From the helter skelter
Every day you find
Everything’s in kilter
You don’t need a reason
Let the day go on and on
Every summer sun
Every winter evening
Every spring to come
Every autumn leaving
You don’t need a reason
Let it all go on and on
What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to a wild child
What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to a wild child
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Kdo jsem
Jsem blogerka, čarodějka a taky nenapravitelný snílek.
Již od roku 2009 pro vás píšu esotericky zaměřený web plný informací o duchovním růstu, zdravém životě, magii a esoterice Angelum Lucis - Posel světla.
Snažím se rozdávat světlo a lásku a jsem tady vždy, když potřebujete pomoci.
Hezká, uklidňující.
JE to krásna pesnička… :))
Miluju Enyu … opravdu to je pohlazení po duši :o)